Monday, 5 August 2013

ROTGE: The Characters: Part 2/4

In the last blog post I gave you character profiles for three of the twelve main characters from my novel, Resurrection of the Golden Era (24,609 words and still writing!) Here's the second batch of three characters (and to find out more about Brandon Poole, Ellie Ward and Ingrid Parker, see the last blog post).

Harry's a joker. He's very fun, is okay at telling jokes, and enjoys hanging out with his room-mate Tom and playing pranks on people, which sometimes go a little bit too far. He rarely takes things seriously, and is thirteen years old. He has blonde hair, is quite tall, and has an aptitude for drama.

Oscar's studious and works hard, and he's very clever too, but he's not a geek or uncool. He likes to be up to date on everything that's happening and makes good friends with Brandon, as they are room-mates. He displays odd telepathic qualities, and is twelve years old. He can be bold when he wants to, but is generally quite nervous. He's got mousy hair and a small face.

Harry describes Shelby as having 'a soul coloured black'. She's spiteful, vengeful and mean. She's horrible, but she has half a reason at least. Shelby's very talented, and so she's had a good five years getting lead roles in whatever she auditions for. For this reason, she sees anybody new as a contender to the throne, as it were. She always wants to be centre of attention, and is thirteen, with long black hair and piercing green eyes.

Come back tomorrow or the day after to find out more about Tara Barclay, Tom Cohen and Katherine Glenwy. By the way, BLONDIE RELEASE THIS DAMN GHOSTS OF DOWNLOAD ALBUM!

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